CCHI starts the CoreCHI™ certification sunsetting on January 1, 2025. This means that current holders of the CoreCHI™ credential will need to take and pass the ETOE™ (English-to-English) interpreting skills exam and earn the CoreCHI-Performance™ (CoreCHI-P™) certification in order to remain certified.
All initial and renewed certifications with the award or renewal date before 1/1/2025 are valid for 4 years and can be renewed only until 12/31/2028. These certificants must earn the CoreCHI-P™ credential before their expiration date or before 12/31/2028, whichever is later (i.e., the latest possible date would be 12/31/2028).
As of January 1, 2025, CCHI will award the initial CoreCHI™ certification only for 2 years, i.e., CoreCHI™ candidates must pass the ETOE™ exam and earn the CoreCHI-Performance™ certification within 2 years after passing the CoreCHI™ exam. For more information, visit