Archive for the ‘Organization News’ Category

CCHI Opens Nominations for 4 Commissioner Positions

The Certification Commission for Healthcare Interpreters is opening nominations for four Commission positions for a three-year term beginning in October 2024:

  • Commissioner – 4 vacancies

Nominees for Commissioner must represent a stakeholder group of healthcare interpreters, healthcare providers who work with interpreters, healthcare interpreting industry, or field of language access to health care. Before nominating, please review the expectations of the CCHI Commissioner and the criteria for selecting Commissioners. Also, please read the CCHI Policies for Commissioners at

You may nominate yourself or someone else. If you nominate someone, prior to submission of the nomination, that individual must agree to the nomination and to serve for a term of three (3) years.

Nominations must be submitted on the Nomination Form (click to download as a PDF file OR as a MS Word file) as an attachment via email with the subject “CCHI Commissioner nomination” by 8:00 p.m. EDT on August 5, 2024 to:

Update to CCHI’s Eligibility Requirement of Language Proficiency in the Language Other Than English (LOTE)

The Commissioners have updated CCHI’s eligibility requirement related to language proficiency in the Language Other Than English (LOTE) based on the results of the national survey “Language Proficiency for Interpreters (LPI)” conducted by CCHI in the fall of 2022. The changes take effect on November 15, 2023, i.e., all applicants whose applications have not been accepted by November 15, must comply with the new requirements. There are no changes to the requirements related to language proficiency in English.

The essence of the language proficiency eligibility requirement has not changed, i.e., all applicants must demonstrate that they are proficient in a LOTE. However, the Commissioners have more clearly defined the scope of accepted documentation verifying language proficiency in the LOTE, based on the national survey results.  CCHI plans to conduct surveys on LPI regularly and update its eligibility requirements as needed.

In brief, the updates relate to the following:

  • Applicants for the bilingual CHI™ credentials have different requirements compared to applicants for the CoreCHI™ and CoreCHI-Performance™
  • All languages are divided into three tiers which define the type of language proficiency documentation applicants need to submit. See more information about the Language Tiers at
  • CCHI has established an initial list of language proficiency (LP) testing vendors (see at CCHI is in the process of convening an Advisory Panel that will develop an evaluation process for LP tests and help create a national Registry of Accredited Language Proficiency Tests. Until this Registry is established, CCHI Commissioners approve LP testing vendors at their discretion, applying CCHI’s evaluation criteria.
  • The minimum accepted levels of language proficiency in LOTE are Advanced-Mid on the ACTFL scale and 2+ on the ILR scale (or an equivalent to these levels established for other tests).
  • Applicants who are ASL interpreters have different requirements for the CoreCHI™ and CoreCHI-Performance™ credentials respectively.

Please read the full requirements at The Candidate’s Examination Handbook will be updated shortly.

CCHI is hiring ETOE exam raters

CCHI is looking for experienced interpreters, holders of the CoreCHI-Performance™ certification, with the prior experience as CCHI SMEs, for three (3) positions of raters of the ETOE™ performance exam.

Applications are due by August 19, 2023. Hired applicants are expected to start virtual on-the-job training on August 30, 2023.

Rater is a telecommuting employee position at CCHI that requires the rater to utilize their own computer (or laptop) and broadband internet connection. Rater is responsible for grading the audio responses of CCHI candidates by applying CCHI-defined rubrics in a consistent and unbiased manner and maintaining their knowledge of CCHI rating process by attending rater training sessions.

Required Qualifications

  • Hold the CoreCHI-Performance™ certification
  • At least five (5) years of experience working as a healthcare interpreter as one of the following:
    • Staff – working in a full- or part-time (minimum .5 FTE) position (at a healthcare facility/provider or working for a language services agency)
    • Freelance – the majority of interpreting work must be healthcare-related.
  • Absence of conflict of interest (see the COI Policy at
  • High School diploma or its equivalent
  • Excellent verbal and written communication, and interpersonal skills
  • Ability to work independently and efficiently
  • High attention to details and good organizational skills
  • Excellent computer skills in: Chrome browser, MS Word, email communication, any virtual meeting platform

Preferred Qualifications

  • Experience as CCHI’s Subject Matter Expert (SME)
  • Work experience in evaluating interpreter performance, teaching a foreign language or English, or editing/reviewing translations
  • Bachelor’s degree in interpreting/translation, foreign language, English, education, or communications-related area

Please read the full job description – click here – before applying.

Send your full resume, cover letter, and the SME Application (see here) by August 19, 2023. We’ll get back to selected applicants to schedule an interview. Applications without a cover letter or SME application will not be considered. Interviews will be held via Zoom.

CCHI opens nominations for 3 Commission positions

The Certification Commission for Healthcare Interpreters is opening nominations for three Commission positions for the three-year term beginning in October 2023:

  • Commissioner – 2 vacancies
  • Commissioner, Public Member – 1 vacancy

Nominees for Commissioner must represent a stakeholder group of the healthcare interpreting profession, healthcare interpreting industry, or field of language access to health care. Before nominating, please review the expectations of the CCHI Commissioner (keep in mind that Commissioner meetings are still virtual at this time) and the criteria for selecting Commissioners. Also, please read the CCHI Policies for Commissioners at

Nominations for Public Member must adhere to NCCA Standards, which are as follows: The public or consumer member preferably should be a consumer or potential consumer of the certificants’ skills or services. This individual may be a member of a community of patients with LEP or have experience in the field of advocacy for language access for patients with LEP. The individual who is a public member may NOT be any of the following:

  • A current or previous member of the profession, occupation, role, or specialty area encompassed by the certification program;
  • A supervisor, manager, direct co-worker, or an employee or subordinate of individuals in the profession encompassed by the certification program;
  • An employee of an individual certified by the certification program or of an employer of individuals in the profession encompassed by the certification program;
  • A person who currently receives or within the last five years has received income from the profession encompassed by the certification program.

You may nominate yourself or someone else. If you nominate someone, prior to submission of the nomination, that individual must agree to the nomination and to serve for a term of three (3) years.

Nominations must be submitted on the Nomination Form (click to download as a PDF file OR as a MS Word file) as an attachment via email with the subject “CCHI Commissioner nomination” by 8:00 p.m. EDT on August 9, 2023 to:

Spring 2023 Discover HCI Scholarship Awards

July 15, 2023

Washington, DC
Chicago, IL

Certification Commission for Healthcare Interpreters (CCHI)
Americans Against Language Barriers (AALB)

We are delighted to announce the three recipients of the Spring 2023 cycle of the “Discover Healthcare Interpreting” CoreCHI™ Scholarship. This scholarship supports certification of interpreters of languages for which CHI™ certification is not currently available. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Americans Against Language Barriers and Kevin Thakkar, personally, for the contribution to our Spring 2023 scholarship.

Americans Against Language Barriers (AALB) is an Illinois-based 501(c)(3) non-profit organization aiming to improve the health of patients with limited English proficiency. They do this by training professional medical interpreters, providing interpreter services to healthcare organizations, and lobbying for policy reform. They envision a future where language services are seamlessly and freely available across the healthcare system.

The Spring 2023 recipients of the “Discover Healthcare Interpreting” CoreCHI™ Scholarship, sponsored by Americans Against Language Barriers, are:

1. Abigail Santos Terrazzino (Tagalog, TN)
2. Hayat Ullah Noory (Dari, GA)
3. Carroll Phillips (French, MD)

CCHI and AALB commend the achievements of the scholarship winners as well as their commitment to professional success. We wish them the best of luck on their testing and certification journey.

CCHI Commissioners and Staff
Americans Against Language Barriers

Happy Holidays and New Year 2023

Dear CCHI Community and Friends,

Writing this Winter Holiday and end of year greeting to you all is a bittersweet experience for me. Sweet, because I get to share with you all the amazing accomplishments of CCHI over the past year and the projects coming in 2023. Bitter, not only for the concerning state of our planet and the war in Ukraine, but also because this will be my last holiday greeting as CCHI Chair. The Commission and Executive Committee of CCHI is based on the spirit of rotation, we serve you for a maximum of two 3-year terms, and next October my terms as the Chair and Commissioner end. This is a very important policy that keeps CCHI fresh and vibrant as new people and new ideas are constantly enriching the board. We are like an ocean liner changing crew members on a regular basis, and yet, with our amazing captain Natalya Mytareva keeping us on course towards the port of professionalization of healthcare interpreting.

It’s the holiday season, so let’s start with the sweet part…

In 2022, CCHI achieved reaccreditation for the CHI-Spanish certification from the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA). So once again, CCHI is the only: National, Accredited, Vendor Neutral and 100% Inclusive (read on…) certification option for healthcare interpreters. National accreditation is part of our marrow, and I want to assure all of you who have worked so hard to achieve the CCHI stamp of approval that we will never do anything to undermine or undervalue our NCCA accreditation. That is your CCHI guarantee!!!

This year we also completed one of the main obligations to maintain our NCCA accreditation: the national Job Task Analysis (JTA). The JTA is our opportunity to learn from you the current pulse of our profession and guide future certification exam efforts to best match the requirements of the entry-level professional healthcare interpreter. Without a JTA, we would be testing and certifying interpreters blindfolded, with no guidance from you – the professionals working day in and day out in our hospitals and clinics.

The CCHI ocean liner picked up its 5,000th passenger in 2022, and at the moment of writing this greeting, every one of us has 5,000+ colleagues who have earned their CCHI professional credentials. Every year we are picking up more and more passengers, but no worries, we have plenty of room on this ship.

In 2022, we all have seen continued prioritization of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives nation-wide, many of them focusing on healthcare interpreting and equity of care for patients with limited English proficiency. Likewise, CCHI is laser-focused on our professional colleagues who do not yet have a skills-based certification. Our project to determine if interpreting skills can be assessed with an English-to-English (ETOE™) exam began under our previous Chair, Margarita Bekker, and continued under the guidance of Chair Idolly Oliva, my predecessor. I have the enormous honor to see the positive results of that research and the launch of our new CoreCHI-Performance™ certification. The first of its kind: a knowledge and skill-based certification for healthcare interpreters of ALL LANGUAGES.

I am so proud and humbled by the gargantuan efforts of CCHI and all the interpreters who agreed to take both the oral Spanish, Arabic, Mandarin skills exams along with the ETOE™ exam. Without their participation, our psychometricians would not have been able to verify the interpreting skills that can be assessed on an English exam. I can think of no greater contribution to the health equity of all patients, regardless of the language they speak, than to know that their interpreter is backed by the credentials of CCHI certification.

We did not and cannot do this alone. To be successful with this endeavor we will need the help of healthcare systems, medical centers, and hospitals – big and small – to require and support certification for their staff interpreters of all languages. We will need Language Service Providers to advertise and prioritize their certified interpreters. And most of all, we will need YOU to sign up for the new certification test and spread the word. To this end, we will be hosting a virtual New Credential Launch Summit in February 2023 to officially kick off the new CoreCHI-Performance certification. Please don’t miss it!!

Creating a new knowledge- and skills-based certification is very time consuming and expensive, but so very important to all of CCHI’s stakeholders. CCHI takes our fiscal responsibilities very seriously and manages the budget for long-term stability. If you are in a situation where you can donate this holiday season, please consider supporting CCHI in our efforts of equity and inclusion for all languages (donate at

Another way to support CCHI directly is with your certification renewal. Certification is not just passing tests; it is an ongoing and active process of professional advancement. So, to all of you who renewed your certification in 2022… THANK YOU!! To those who will renew in 2023, remember this is another way you directly support CCHI and your profession.

Finally, I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for everything you do to promote health equity for all patients and for your ongoing support of CCHI. I hope I have served CCHI over these past years as well as CCHI has served all of us as certified healthcare interpreters.

May you have the happiest 2022 Winter Holiday, and may 2023 bring healing to our climate and our politics, and a consciousness shift from investing in warfare to investing in human well-being.


Mateo C. Rutherford-Rojas
CCHI Chair

P.S. Stay connected: on FacebookYouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram, and our website!

Fall 2022 Discover HCI Scholarship Awards

December 15, 2022

Washington, DC
Charlotte, NC

Certification Commission for Healthcare Interpreters (CCHI)
Atrium Health

We are delighted to announce five recipients of the 2022 Fall cycle of the “Discover Healthcare Interpreting” CoreCHI™ Scholarship. This scholarship supports certification of interpreters of languages for which only the CoreCHI™ certification is currently available. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Atrium Health and Danilo Formolo, personally, for the contribution to our 2022 Fall scholarship.

Atrium Health is a nationally recognized leader in shaping health outcomes through innovative research, education and compassionate patient care. Based in Charlotte, North Carolina, Atrium Health is an integrated, nonprofit health system with more than 70,000 teammates serving patients at 40 hospitals and more than 1,400 care locations. Ranked nationally among U.S. News & World Report’s Best Hospitals in eight pediatric specialties and for rehabilitation, Atrium Health has also received the American Hospital Association’s Quest for Quality Prize and its 2021 Carolyn Boone Lewis Equity of Care Award, as well as the 2020 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Health Equity Award for its efforts to reduce racial and ethnic disparities in care. Atrium Health believes that good communication is essential to high-quality, compassionate healthcare. All care locations of Atrium Health can provide interpreting services in-person or over the phone, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. While the in-house interpreters speak mostly Spanish, remote interpretation services are offered in more than 200 languages, including American Sign Language (ASL) for the deaf and hard-of-hearing patients.

The Fall 2022 recipients of the “Discover Healthcare Interpreting” CoreCHI™ Scholarship, sponsored by Atrium Health, are:

1. Mafikiri Fata-Marc (Swahili, French, TN)
2. Agnieszka Markowska (Polish, IL)
3. Sanjoy Dutt (Bengali, Hindi, Nepali, OR)
4. Siriporn Bhanont (Thai, Lao, IL)
5. Roody Aupont (Hatian-Creole, MA)

CCHI and Atrium Health commend the achievements and the commitment to professional success of the scholarship winners. We wish them the best of luck on their testing and certification journey.

CCHI Commissioners and staff
Atrium Health

CCHI opens nominations for 3 Commissioner positions

The Certification Commission for Healthcare Interpreters is opening nominations for the three Commissioner positions for the term from October 2022 to October 2025.

Nominees must represent a stakeholder group of the healthcare interpreting profession, healthcare interpreting industry, or field of language access to health care.

Before nominating, please review the expectations of the CCHI Commissioner (keep in mind that we continue with virtual Commissioner meetings at this time) and the criteria for selecting Commissioners. Also please read CCHI Policies for Commissioners at

You may nominate yourself or someone else. If you nominate someone, prior to submission of the nomination, that individual must agree to the nomination and to serve for a term of three (3) years.

Nominations must be submitted on the Nomination Form (click to download as a pdf file OR as  a MS Word file) as an attachment via email with the subject “CCHI Commissioner nomination” by 8:00 p.m. EDT on August 1, 2022 to:

Spring 2022 Discover HCI Scholarship Awards

July 15, 2022

Washington, DC
Columbia, MD

Certification Commission for Healthcare Interpreters (CCHI)
Cross-Cultural Communications (CCC)

We are delighted to announce five recipients of the 2022 Spring cycle of the “Discover Healthcare Interpreting” CoreCHI™ Scholarship. This scholarship supports certification of interpreters of languages for which only the CoreCHI™ certification is currently available. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Cross-Cultural Communications (CCC) and Marjory Bancroft, personally, for the contribution to our 2022 Spring scholarship.

Cross-Cultural Communications (CCC) is the only national on-site and online training organization for medical and community interpreting, with more than 380 licensed trainers in 43 U.S. states, Washington, DC, Guam, and six other countries. CCC provides training, consulting, and curriculum development, including training of trainer (TOT) programs. Our courses train bilingual staff as well as freelance interpreters. Our core program, The Community Interpreter®, is a 40-hr certificate foundation program for medical, educational, and/or social services interpreters. Under our imprint, Culture & Language Press, we publish interpreting textbooks, workbooks and trainer’s guides sold in more than 30 countries and all 50 U.S. states. Our online training platform, Blue Horizon, provides self-paced and live online programs in medical, community and legal interpreting.

The Spring 2022 recipients of the “Discover Healthcare Interpreting” CoreCHI™ Scholarship, sponsored by Cross-Cultural Communications (CCC), are:

1. Eunjung Han (Korean, CO)
2. Geraldine (Geri) Hernandez (Navajo, AZ)
3. Zakia Siddiqi (Pashto, Dari, WA)
4. Chau Minh Trang Tran (Vietnamese, MD)
5. Mohammad Haroon Walizada (Dari, Pashto, WA)

CCHI and Cross-Cultural Communications (CCC) commend the achievements and the commitment to professional success of the scholarship winners. We wish them the best of luck on their testing and certification journey.

CCHI Commissioners and staff
Cross-Cultural Communications (CCC)

Happy Holidays and New Year 2022

Dear CCHI Community and Friends,

We have endured, survived, and thrived one more year of significant challenges due to the ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic. Like a spotlight, this pandemic has highlighted the social/economic inequities of our modern societies. Health inequities are nothing new to Healthcare Interpreters and the work we do, day-in and day-out, to reduce them has never been more obvious or appreciated. Around the nation diversity, equity and inclusion measures are being implemented and LEP patient services are at the forefront of these efforts. We would never wish this virus on the world, and yet it has taught us such a valuable lesson: we are one human family, and our collective wellbeing depends on the wellbeing of each individual.

The changes we hope for may seem overwhelming, but each individual one of us have made, and continue to make significant contributions. We have been vaccinated, revaccinated, boosted, masked, physically distanced, and completed assignments we never thought possible via video or telephone interpreting. Recognizing the financial hardships this pandemic has caused for so many, CCHI has done everything possible to support our community through renewal discounts to remote exam proctoring. We thank and appreciate all of you – all of us – for the multiple contributions and sacrifices made during these past two years.

As we reflect on these difficult times, the CCHI Commissioners would like to celebrate and thank all who renewed their certification and the many newly certified interpreters who have made the effort to obtain the stamp of quality and professionalism that CCHI offers. This is a major accomplishment at any time, and even more so during a pandemic. We are nearly 5,000 CHI interpreters strong and growing every year.

As we say goodbye to 2021, I would like to express CCHI´s appreciation to all who support our programs to promote our profession. Our scholarship funders helped us increase certification for languages of lesser diffusion; our presenters and volunteers helped CCHI offer amazing webinars, “Community Conversations” and panel discussions throughout the year; our writers, editors and participants of the “Gender Neutral Language in Health Care” survey; and the supervisors, managers and directors of language services who share their best practices for the benefit of all LEP patients in our “National Language Access Leadership Huddles.” Of course, CCHI could never complete its mission without the hard work and dedication of our amazing raters, dedicated staff, beloved Commissioners, and our incredible Executive Director who continues to help us navigate both smooth and rough waters. Of course, there would be no certification without all the talented CHI and CoreCHI interpreters who volunteered to write, review, and edit our new test items. Thank YOU all for helping CCHI survive and thrive during 2021.

2022 will continue to be an exciting and challenging year. We look forward to many test-development and community engagement projects that have been long planned for. On behalf of CCHI Commissioners and staff, I want to reassure you that we will be here for you throughout 2022 and for as long as it takes to ensure all healthcare interpreters have the certification and professional respect they deserve.

If you are in the position to donate to CCHI, we welcome your holiday gift and promise to put it to very good use Donate link. There will also be many opportunities to volunteer with us in the coming year.

From our family to yours, we wish you a warm and happy holiday season.

Mateo C. Rutherford-Rojas
CCHI Chair

P.S. Stay connected: at FacebookYouTubeTwitterLinkedIn,and Instagram, and website!

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