Archive for the ‘Webinar Resources’ Category

CE Webinar – Trauma-Informed Interpreting

This page contains resources related to CE Webinar #32, “Trauma-Informed Interpreting: Understanding Trauma and its Impact on Effective Communication” presented by Ludmila Golovine on 09/06/2023.

The resources are courtesy of the presenter Ludmila Golovine.

Selected Presentation Slides: Trauma-Informed Interpreting


Copyright & Use: All documents are copyrighted to the original respective authors.

CE webinar – Hearing Health for Interpreters

This page contains resources related to CEAP’s webinar “Tuning in! Hearing Health for Interpreters” presented by Elizabeth Guinle-Salter on 05/23/2023.

The resources are courtesy of the presenter Elizabeth Guinle-Salter.

  • Levels of Noise Chart by the American Academy of Audiology:

Noise Chart

  • The Truth about Hearing Loss by the American Academy of Audiology:

Truth About Hearing Loss

  • Scripts for Interpreter’s Self-advocacy related to hearing health:

Resources and scripts to start you on your hearing health journey


Copyright & Use: All documents are copyrighted to the original respective authors.

CE webinar #10 – Arabic Accents and Dialects

Here are the links to the materials used during the webinar:

  • Video referenced during the webinar:

Arabic dialects that people find difficult:


Additional online resources:


We do NOT issue certificates for viewing the materials provided on this page.

If you need to receive a certificate, please complete the online training module when it becomes available at To enroll in the online training module on that page, first, read instructions below the webinar title, then click on the title of the webinar to create an account or log in.

Copyright & Use: All online search examples are copyrighted to the original websites and respective authors, and are used as illustrations of online search techniques.

CE webinar #6 – Interpreting the Psychiatric Interview

Here is the link to the video used during the webinar:

This page contains resources related to CEAP’s webinar #006Interpreting the Psychiatric Interview: How Language Affects the Mental Status Exam” presented on 12/07/2016.

If you need to receive a certificate but missed the live webinar, please complete the online training module corresponding to this webinar when it becomes available at To enroll in the online training module on that page, first, read instructions below the webinar title, then click on the title of the webinar to create an account or to log in.

Additional online resources about interpreting in Mental Health settings:

Copyright & Use: All online search examples are copyrighted to the original websites and respective authors, and are used as illustrations of online search techniques.

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