Healthcare Interpreting Stakeholders

CCHI brings together different stakeholders in the medical interpreting profession and industry to ensure quality in healthcare interpreting.

Informative Community Conversations, Coffee Breaks, and other content can be found on CCHI’s YouTube channel! Check out some of our most recent videos below.

  • Support CCHI

    CCHI accepts monetary and in-kind support from private and public organizations and individuals to pursue the administration and development of a national, valid, credible, and vendor-neutral certification program for healthcare interpreters. Thank you!

  • Current Initiatives

    Medical interpreters, like other members of the patient care team, encounter multiple instances of ethical and professional dilemmas during their day-to-day practice. CCHI is managing the Repository of Critical Incident Reports (CIRs) to offer a mechanism for sharing such instances in a systemic and public manner. We encourage all medical interpreters, managers of language services, and interpreter educators to submit CIRs for public review and consideration.

  • National Healthcare Interpreter Registry

    Search this National Registry of CCHI-certified medical interpreters and applicants who are in the process of obtaining certification. This Registry is intended for credential verification purposes. Per CCHI’s privacy policy, certificants and applicants choose if they wish to display their email address in the Registry; CCHI respects their decision.

  • Disciplinary Sanctions

    The information reported on the Disciplinary Sanctions page includes only cases where the applicant, candidate, or certificant received a publicly reportable sanction. CCHI reserves the right to change which types of sanctions are published on this page.

    Individuals with suspensions and revocations are strictly prohibited from representing themselves as credentialed by CCHI during the period of suspension or revocation.

    Please contact us with any inquiries at

  • CCHI News Digest

  • Remote Interpreting Resources

    We started collecting this information in the spring of 2020, when the Covid-19 pandemic forced most systems to offer interpreting services in remote modalities.

    If you would like to share your resource, email us at and specify that you’d like to add a remote interpreting resource. Thank you!

  • Protect Yourself from Phishing and Scams

    U.S. National Cyber Awareness System:

    FCC’s Consumer Help (Federal Communications Commission)

    FTC’s Consumer Information about Scams: click here

    Report a scammer to FTC (Federal Trade Commission): click here

    Advice from Norton: click here

  • Covid-19 Pandemic Information

    Though the Covid-19 pandemic situation has greatly evolved since its onset, we have kept these collected resources available as they may be helpful to you.

  • Information for Interpreters Seeking Certification

    Learn how certification can benefit your career in medical interpreting. First, read CCHI Candidate’s Examination Handbook.

  • Certified Healthcare Interpreters

    CCHI counts over 5,300 certified healthcare interpreters across the U.S. Keep up to date with certification news and stay connected.

  • Healthcare Administrators

    Learn about medical interpreting standards and certification.

  • LSCs and Educators

    Learn how medical interpreter certification benefits language services companies and trainers alike.

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