We sincerely thank UCSF Health for sharing these simple instructions to patients in several formats and languages:
The following two Zoom Roadmaps are provided courtesy of Clara Lai, interpreter at UCSF Health.
We invite you to use our Mini-Glossaries and contribute to their creation.
Please review the following materials to get ready for your examinations.
CCHI does not review or recommend any specific schools, colleges or programs as it would present a conflict of interest. However, we can refer you to the resources provided by other organizations:
NCIHC – see the sections Training Resources and Educational Programs at https://www.ncihc.org/web-links
ATA – see their list of colleges and universities at https://www.atanet.org/career-education/student-resources/translation-interpreting-courses/
GALA – the Globalization and Localization Association has an international directory of educational programs at https://www.gala-global.org/membership/member-directories/academic-member-directory