COVID-19 Resources

Information related to Language Access

Civil Rights Complaint Filed over Discriminatory Provision of COVID-19 Services to Persons with Limited English Proficiency – filed by NHelp on April 30, 2021: click here


Providing Interpreting Services During COVID-19 – an infographic for organizations; the resource is developed through a language-industry collaboration:

COVID 19 Guide Providing Interpreting Srvs

CCHI has co-signed the Letter to CDC (12/17/2020) requesting that on-site interpreters are classified as essential workers for Phase 1 of the Covid vaccinations. We thank the ATA for spearheading this effort.

CCHI’s webinar “Supporting Interpreters during the Pandemic (09/25/20) hosted by Jorge U. Ungo, with panelists Vonessa Costa of Cambridge Health Alliance (MA), Idolly Oliva of Fairview Health Services (MN), and Monica Thomasini of Language World Services (CA).

Watch the recording on YouTube:


NCIHC’s webinar “What Just Happened? The State of Language Access under Section 1557 (06/20/20) with Mara Youdelman, J.D., LL.M. Access recording:–june-20.

CCHI’s webinar “Leading a Healthcare Language Access Program in the Midst of a Pandemic (05/19/20) hosted by Jorge U. Ungo, with panelists  Valerie Huang of Nationwide Children’s (OH), Meredith Stegall of Parkland Health (TX), and Angélica Villagrán de Gonzales of Stanford Health (CA). Listen to the audio recording:


OR watch on YouTube:

NCIHC’s webinar “The Critical Role of Healthcare Interpreters During COVID-19: Legal and Practical Implications with Mara Youdelman, J.D., LL.M, Bruce L. Adelson, Esq., and Ignatius Bau J.D as moderator (04/25/20): click here to access recording

Open Letter on Ensuring Healthcare Interpreters’ Safety during the COVID-19 Pandemic (04/03/2020)

National Health Law Program:

Coronavirus and the Law, post by Bruce Adelson, Esq.:

COVID-19: Focus on Racism and Xenophobia – AHA’s publication: click to read

Social Needs Awareness – AHA’s publication: click to read

Articles about Language Access during the pandemic:

Vaccination Resources

Follow and share our social media posts about medical interpreters who are getting vaccinated across the country – #COVIDshotselfie #GetTheJab #ThisIsOurShot


Clarification of Misinformation


WHO’s myth busters:

The New York Times article about the misinformation:  (In the Search tab of this website, search for “COVID-19” to see current corrections of misinformation related to the pandemic.)


Protect Yourself from Phishing and Scams

U.S. National Cyber Awareness System: click here

FCC’s Scams info (Federal Communications Commission, multi-lingual)

FTC’s Consumer Information about Scams: click here

Report a scammer to FTC (Federal Trade Commission): click here

Advice from Norton: click here


COVID-19 Information in Other Languages


World Health Organization:

The Asian & Pacific Islander American Health Forum (APIAHF): Click here for crowd-sourced resources in multiple languages (from this page, click on the link to the Excel sheet with different tabs for various languages)

Boston Medical Center, some information is specific to the Boston area:

Endangered Languages Project – Collection of resources provided here from governments, NGOs, and public health organizations: click here

King’s County, WA, resources:

Orange County, NC Health Department – includes audio resources in Karen, Burmese and Kinyarwanda:

Washington State Health Department:


Australian translated resources:

Ontario, Canada Ministry of Health, in 24 languages at:

French COVID-19 Glossary by Canadian Government: click here


Mutual Aid and Volunteering

Health Hacking Crisis Network

Mutual Aid 101 (by Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and organizer Mariame Kaba): read toolkit


COVID-19 General Information:

WHO – World Health Organization:


The Joint Commission resources:

COVID-19 Glossary: access glossary

Glossary of COVID-19 crisis terms: access glossary

AHA’s (American Hospital Association) resources: access here

AMA’s physician’s guide to COVID-19: Read the guide


AMA, AHA and ANA joint statement, 3/24/20: read here

Harvard Medical School’s Coronavirus Resource Center:

Impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) to reduce COVID19 mortality and healthcare demand, UK Report of 3/16/2020: Read the report


Coping with Anxiety


Self-care for Emergency Responders:

CDC on coping with coronavirus anxiety:

Harvard Medical School on coping with coronavirus anxiety:

Anxiety and Depression Association of America:


Videos in 17 Refugee languages: click here


The New York Times article:


Cleaning Surfaces

NPR article, 3/14/20:

BBC article, 3/17/20: Read the article

Blog about disinfecting your phone:

  • CCHI's Webinar "Supporting Interpreters during the Pandemic" (09/25/20)

    The COVID-19 pandemic reconfirmed the interpreters’ status as essential healthcare workers. As all healthcare workers, interpreters have had to adapt, adjust, and learn to do their job effectively in the new disrupted environment. Let’s hear from managers how they have been supporting interpreters during these times. CCHI’s Commissioner Jorge Ungo will lead the conversation with Vonessa Costa of Cambridge Health Alliance (MA), Idolly Oliva of Fairview Health Services (MN), and Monica Thomasini of Language World Services (CA).

    You may watch the free recording of the live webinar held on September 25, 2020 by clicking the button below.

    (This is an informational webinar, not a CE one; no certificates are issued.)

  • CCHI's Webinar "Leading a Healthcare Language Access Program in the Midst of a Pandemic" (05/19/20)

    We are all in a deep state of unknown with everything changing daily. We are all adapting. One thing we know is that the future will look different. The COVID-19 pandemic is impacting how language services are provided, who provides them, and how LEP patients are treated. Let’s hear from people on the front lines from the Midwest, West Coast and in the South. CCHI’s Commissioner Jorge Ungo will lead the conversation with Valerie Huang of Nationwide Children’s (OH), Meredith Stegall of Parkland Health (TX), and Angélica Villagrán de Gonzales of Stanford Health (CA).

    You may watch the free recording of the live webinar held on May 19, 2020 at our YouTube channel

    (This is an informational webinar, not a CE one; no certificates are issued.)

  • CCHI's Webinar on COVID-19's Impact on Healthcare Interpreting (03/21/2020)

    You may watch the free recording of the live webinar held on March 21, 2020 at our YouTube channel:

    If you need a CE certificate, you need to access the recording through our online training portal. It is accredited by CEAP/CCHI for 1.5 general CE hours (CEAP ID # 09241). Click on the button below to access the portal, login to your account there (or create a free one), click on the course title to enroll (Conversation about the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on healthcare interpreters), and enter the code 2020COVID-19.

  • Online Infection Control course by MasterWord

    This is a comprehensive course on Infection Control and Industrial Safety for Medical Interpreters delivered by Linda Golley. Click the button to be directed to the MasterWord platform.

  • InterpretAmerica 2020: A unified response to ensure access to interpreting services during the pandemic

    WHEN: Thursday, March 26, 2020 at 8am-10am PDT / 11am-1pm EDT

    ​Join us for this urgent, free online forum to jump start a proactive, global response to preserve access to interpreting services during the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • NCIHC's Webinar: Temporary Transition to Remote Interpreting During Health Emergencies (03/28/20)

    Presenters: Wilma Alvarado-Little, MA MSW (moderator), Nick Arce, MA, MS, CHI, CPXP (presenter), and Jody Prysock, MS, CI (presenter)

    This webinar’s recording is free for NCIHC’s members.
    If you are not a member, the recorded webinar fee is $30.

  • AAIT's Virtual Townhall on COVID-19's Impact on Interpreters (Atlanta, GA 04/01/20)

    View the recording: click here

  • Remote Interpreting Resources

    To help interpreters who are now switching to working in the remote interpreting (RI) modality, CCHI compiled a list of resources. Click on the button below.

  • COVID-19 Updates from 2020

    See CCHI’s statements related to testing and advocacy during the Covid-19 pandemic that were published in 2020.

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