I hold both CHI™ and CoreCHI-Performance™ credentials with different Languages Other Than English (LOTEs). How do I renew my credentials?

The following procedural rules apply to certificants who hold both CHI™ and CoreCHI-Performance™ credentials with different Languages Other Than English (LOTEs):

a)      The same 32 CE hours and 40 work experience hours can be submitted for renewal of both credentials.

b)     To align the expiration dates for 2 credentials and simplify the renewal process, the certificant will need to:

  • Fulfill the LOTE-specific CE requirement within the first 12 months after the date of the CoreCHI-Performance credential award OR before the expiration of their CHI credential, whichever is sooner.  The certificate for completing this CE requirement (issued by CCHI) must be uploaded to the CoreCHI-P renewal application.
  • Submit the CHI renewal application (assuming it is an older one) first, with the full renewal application fee (see Fees).
  • Submit the CoreCHI-P renewal application within 30 days of submitting the CHI renewal application. The CoreCHI-P renewal fee in this case is $30 (in 2023, subject to change).
  • For the CoreCHI-P renewal application, upload a statement that the CHI credential renewal application has been submitted. See CCHI’s template “First Credential Renewal Attestation” available here as a PDF file OR here as an MS Word file.

Meeting the above requirements will reset the CoreCHI-P expiration date to the same expiration date as the CHI credential, and the certificant will be on the same four-year renewal cycle for both.

c)     If the certificant does not renew the CHI credential but wishes to keep the CoreCHI-P credential, they would have to upload all CE documentation and pay the full renewal fee in the CoreCHI-P renewal application, and follow the CoreCHI-P renewal cycle in the future.

See https://cchicertification.org/renewal-multiple-credentials/ for all multiple-credential renewal procedures.

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