Informational Webinar

Executive Order 14224: What Does It Mean for Interpreters and the Communities They Serve

When: April 3, 2025 at 3:00 pm ET/ 2:00 pm CT/ 1:00 pm MT/ 12:00 pm PT

Registration: Coming soon – check on 3/28/25

Language: English

Presenters: Mara Youdelman, J.D., LL.M.

CE: This is an informational webinar, no CE credits are granted. Certificates are not issued.


On March 5th, President Trump signed an executive order that could impact language access in health care. Executive Order 14224 revokes Executive Order 13166 – what does this mean for interpreters, language access programs, and the communities we serve?

Join CCHI Commissioner and Managing Director for Federal Advocacy at the National Health Law Program (NHeLP), Mara Youdelman, J.D., LL.M., as she unpacks the implications of this major shift. With her deep expertise in language access policy, Mara will break down what’s changing, what’s at stake, and what you need to know to stay ahead.

This is your chance to get clarity, ask questions, and prepare for what’s next.


Mara Youdelman is Managing Attorney of the National Health Law Program’s Washington DC Office.  She has worked at NHeLP since August 2000 on issues including Medicaid, language access, racial and ethnic disparities, and data collection.  She also is a Commissioner of the Certification Commission for Healthcare Interpreters.  Her leadership with CCHI has rapidly elevated a national, valid, credible, and vendor-neutral certification program for healthcare interpreters.

Mara works on a range of administrative and legislative policy issues and conducts trainings nationwide on language access and collection of racial, ethnic and primary language data.  Mara also directed the National Language Access Advocacy Project, funded by the California Endowment to increase awareness of language access issues at the federal level.  In this role, Mara coordinated a national coalition of stakeholders to develop a consensus-driven agenda to improve policies and funding for quality health care for individuals with limited English proficiency (LEP).

Mara is co-author of a number of reports on language access.  These include NHeLP’s Ensuring Linguistic Access in Health Care Settings:  Legal Rights and Responsibilities and Language Services Resource Guide for Health Care Providers.  She also co-authored a series of “promising practices reports” for providing language services for The Commonwealth Fund.  Mara is recognized as a national expert on language access, particularly regarding paying for language services in Medicaid and legal issues.  Mara has participated on advisory panels for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation; the National Committee for Quality Assurance; the American Medical Association’s Ethical Force Program; the National Quality Forum; and The Joint Commission.  She most recently served as a consultant to The Joint Commission as they developed new accreditation standards for hospitals on language access and cultural competency and co-authored The Joint Commission’s Advancing Effective Communication, Cultural Competence, and Patient- and Family-Centered Care: A Roadmap for Hospitals.

Mara earned her LL.M. in Advocacy from Georgetown University Law Center in 2000, her J.D. from Boston University School of Law in 1996, and her B.A. from Tufts University in 1991.

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