The National Language Access Leadership (NLAL) Huddle is a vendor-neutral forum, facilitated by CCHI, in which healthcare language access program administrators can interact with each other, discuss innovations and challenges, and share best practices to advance language access for all patients with LEP and for those who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing.

The Huddle is organized on these principles:

  • Participation in the Huddle is limited to supervisors, managers, and directors of language access programs and offices of DEI in healthcare settings. Any participant is encouraged to invite other supervisors and managers to join.
  • The Huddle is not a membership organization; it is rather a communication exchange on the topics identified by participants.
  • The Huddle participation requires no commitment.
  • The Huddle participants abide by the U.S. antitrust laws (
  • The Huddle could invite representatives of interpreters, language services vendors, educators, etc. as presenters/consultants on specific topics.


The NLAL Huddle meets quarterly via Zoom, with the invitation sent to the Huddle participants. The Huddle participants also have access to the participants-only forum where they can post questions to the group and discuss issues of interests.

If you are in charge of a healthcare language access program, large or small, we invite you to join the conversation!

  • Summer 2024 NLAL Huddle

    July 26, 2024 at at 12:30 pm ET.
    Registration and Zoom link emailed to participants directly, no public registration available.

  • How to join the NLAL Huddle

    The NLAL Huddle is open to all supervisors, managers, and directors of language access/ interpreting services programs of health systems, hospitals, clinics, public health departments as well as to HR and other administrators.

    To be invited, please contact Jorge Ungo, CCHI Language Access Advocate, at Please state the name of your healthcare organization and title/position.

    The Huddle participants can invite other fellow managers by forwarding the Huddle meeting invitations or referring them to contact

    After you are added to the Huddle’s private online group, you will receive instructions how to login to participate in the forums and receive forum posts to your email address.

  • NLAL Huddle History

    Since its inception in 2009, CCHI brings together healthcare interpreters, healthcare language access program administrators, representatives from non-profit interpreting associations, language companies, community-based organizations, educational institutions, healthcare providers, and advocates for individuals with limited English proficiency (LEP).

    Several of CCHI’s Commissioners are both interpreters and language access program administrators within their respective healthcare institutions. As CCHI Commissioners, we recognize there are numerous regional conferences for Healthcare Interpreters to interact, receive continuing education and share best practices, yet these opportunities are extremely rare for supervisors, managers, and directors of language access programs. As the nationally recognized voice for setting the standard for quality in healthcare interpreting, this is a gap that CCHI would like to help fill.

    In June 2021, CCHI launched the first National Language Access Leadership Huddle, a vendor-neutral forum in which healthcare language access program administrators can listen to each other, discuss “pain points”, and share best practices to advance language access for all patients with LEP and for those who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing.

    The 30 healthcare language access program administrators who attended the inaugural event on June 28, 2021, expressed a willingness to meet on a quarterly basis, and suggested more than 20 discussion topics for future huddles. If you are in charge of a healthcare language access program, large or small, we invite you to join the conversation!

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