What is the policy about the use of the CoreCHI-P™ credential mark?

The full text of the policy about the use of the CoreCHI-P credential mark is at https://cchicertification.org/uploads/CCHI_CoreCHI-P_mark-use.pdf.

Below are details about the use of the Core Certification Healthcare Interpreter Performance mark.

  • Use title case (Core Certification Healthcare Interpreter Performance), all capital letters (CORE CERTIFICATION HEALTHCARE INTERPRETER PERFORMANCE), or small cap font.
  • Use of the symbol is optional.
  • Always use with one of CCHI’s approved nouns: “certificant,” “professional,” “practitioner,” “certification,” “mark” or “exam.”
  • Always associate with the individual(s) certified by CCHI.
  • Certificants may specify the primary language of verified language proficiency in the Language Other Than English (LOTE) as long as they follow these conventions:

– This statement must be placed immediately after the designation, with a coma or with the symbol & or in parentheses.
This statement must include either the word proficient or proficiency.

E.g., Core Certification Healthcare Interpreter Performance, French proficient
OR Core Certification Healthcare Interpreter Performance (French Language Proficiency)

OR Core Certification Healthcare Interpreter Performance & French Language Proficiency


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